King Soren,
The Half-Breed

16th King of Daein and 3rd of Goldoa

pfp: picnicic
background: Byron Johnson

Basic Info

Full TitleSoren, The King with Two Thrones
Height5'6 (1/2)"
HobbiesStudying, reading, writing letters to Ike
LikesReliable people, the cold, tea, (occasional) red wine
DislikesSweets, spicy foods, being interrupted or talked over, being touched

Weapon Stats

Wind MagicSS
Fire MagicA
Thunder MagicA


Soren tends to be a despondent man most days. Carrying the pressure of upholding two countries on his shoulders while still learning the ropes of an upscale lifestyle makes him constantly feel tired and worn out, typically using the last bit of his energy at night to compile letters for Ike, detailing his days and emotions.

He is still often cold and blunt, coming across as rude, but he is also learning to lighten his tongue while remaining honest to cooperate better with allies, his attendants, and the officials helping him through this process. While trying to settle on better terms with Almedha and her obsessive behavior, a large majority of his frustration is directed towards her. In spite of this, attempting to understand her and working with the people of Goldoa to keep each nation running smoothly have helped him work on some of his biases towards Laguz.

He is happiest when he reunites with Ike, and it’s evident. Though the change in his mannerisms are minute for his own sake, he is a little more bearable to deal with, and just the same, his circumstances are little easier for him to live through.


After the end of the Goddess War, Almedha and Kurthnaga decided to approach Soren with the truth of his past. In this time, they had meetings with Daein officials and Ashnard's only logical successor with Pelleas renouncing his title, the Silver-Haired Maiden, Micaiah. A consensus was reached that if Ashnard's heir would take the throne as his rightfully, he would have it. If not, then it would go to Micaiah. Kurthnaga stalled his ascension of the Goldoan throne with intentions to give it to his nephew alongside that of Daein's.

The dragon siblings relayed this plan in a separate meeting with two officials, Ike, and Soren in hopes that his dual-ruling would fully integrate the sheltered laguz nation into the ways of the rest of the continent and enlighten the cold beorc citizenry that he hailed from. Being possibly the only living Branded directly descended from a beorc and a laguz and the right-hand man to the Hero of the Blue Flames, it was thought that Soren's powerful image could continue to pull the continent together in a positive manner. Already hesitant to accept the proposal, Ike finally broke the news of his (or what intended to be permanent) departure to Soren, swaying his immediate response to be a solid, firm no.

This news that seemed to pile up little by little sent Soren into a spiral that he had never known before. Taking a few days to think it over more thoroughly with Ike's aid, it was decided that he would only take up the offer if Ike promised to return to visit. Within this conversation, love found a way to blossom. They each confessed to each other, virtually sealing their agreement that Ike would eventually return to be with him, but in secret, as Soren would be expected to produce an heir to the throne.

The former tactician agreed to the offer set before him. Swiftly, he was crowned before both nations, settling his coronation in Daein, and then Ike was off. In the meantime, they would send letters back and forth, keeping each other updated on new ventures and allies made while the time passed. Ike was becoming a big name in a major fighting tournament while Soren made strides in improving the relationship with his mother, learning his new duties, and creating effective trade within Goldoa, first and foremost.



Text Key

// - OOC
"" - IC speech
no indication - IC action or Crack RP speech, depending on context
[] - Crack RP action
() - thoughts
{{}} - Ancient language